5 Royston Road
Originally detached, but extended to abut No 7. Render. Now a private dwelling. It was the Post Office at one time, shown as such in 1901 O.S. map. Vera Norfolk who was David & Christopher Stocker’s aunt bought it and opened a haberdashery shop in 1950s named “Vera’s Boutique”.
This page was added on 08/11/2015.
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It must have been the mid fifties when Ida Rodwell, a friend of my parents, who had previously bought the house and shop as a residence. The shop had not been used for years and after a while she took advice from my Grandfather, John Hall a shopkeeper in Barrington but living with us in Harston, about opening the shop again. She named it ‘Odds and Ends Corner”, and stocked crisps,sweets, a few Handy foods and haberdashery items. She ran the shop for a few years then left the village to do self financed missionary work in Durban South Africa. She was the sister of Harold James Rodwell (Jim) ,who used to farm Limetree farm, where Miss Collins later had her Riding school, and at one time he had been a contract ploughing man with Steam engines, but I believe they were before he came to Harston
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