1900 January 12 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Cambridgeshire & Huntingdonshire ‘Men at the Front’ includes from Harston: Thomas Warren, Royal Dragoons.
1900 February 3 Cambridge Daily News
Thomas Smith, coal merchant at Harston, cautioned in court for selling sacks of coal containing less than the stated weight.
1900 February 9, 16, 23 Cambridgeshire Independent Press, Cambridge Daily News
Auction by J Carter Jonas & Sons, field at Button End, 2a, 2r, 26p, occupied by Mr Thomas Hays, rent £5 pa plus 5 freehold cottages (3 unoccupied) & large garden, near church, 2 let to Messrs Northrop & Salmon at rents of £9 pa; part of garden let at £1 pa & remainder of garden occupied by the vendor, estimated rent £4 pa. Total (incl. est.) rent £14 pa.
1900 April 13 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Obituary: Thomas Hayden Smith, 82, formerly of Harston Mills. Baptist chapel: anniversary, services (Rev Potter), public meeting, tea; assisted by Mrs/Miss Potter, Jackson, Chamberlain, Jackson, Wedd, Watson, Northfields (2). Addresses by D Bruce, F Potter; Mrs Potter sang ‘Tenderly pleading’.
1900 May 4 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
‘Motor car nuisance’, a cycle manufacturer, Charles Mortimer of Cambridge was charged with driving a motor-cycle at more than 12 mph in 3 villages including Harston. PCs Warren & Salmon, using an (ordinary) watch and tape, clocked cars travelling at more than 20 mph; one at 26 mph. (Since a stopwatch was not used, this evidence was challenged.) Mortimer was fined £1 plus 11s 6d costs.
1900 May 4 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Cricket match in Cambridge, ‘Pelicans’ beat Harston (134/6 vs. 108 all out).
1900 May 25 Cambridgeshire Independent Press, May 22, Cambridge Daily News
Death of a young girl (Alice Mary Stimpson) from Dr Barnardo’s Home, living with foster parents at Harston. There was an accident at the school in which she fell onto a pencil, which penetrated the eye orbit (and seems, presumably, to have caused brain damage) She was admitted to Addenbrookes where a piece of pencil was removed, but she died soon after. An inquest verdict of Accidental Death was returned, but a boy was also cautioned over his apparent involvement.
1900 June 8 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Marriage, P.F. Ives of Harston to A.M. Kay of Brinkley.
1900 June 8 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
‘The Romeward Movement’ in the Church of England, more than 5,000 clergymen helping promote this, including Rev EC Baldwin, Harston. (He was categorised as ‘E’ (adopts eastwards position), M (ceremonially mixes the water with the wine), V (uses sacrificial vestments), L (burns candles in daylight).
1900 June 15 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Advert: Wanted, a good plain cook, apply Mrs Thomas Smith, Harston Mill.
1900 June 29, July 6 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Cricket, Great Eastern Railway (G.E.R.) versus Harston at Harston; ‘very exciting match, Harston won by 4 runs, good bowling by Woodcock’. A few days later, ‘Primitive United’ best Harston by 9 wickets. (Over the next several years, there are many reports in C.I.P. of cricket matches in which the Harston team participated; too many to list here).
1900 August 24 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
James Warren, Smith Northrop, Alfred Northrop, all labourers, were fined 5s each for being drunk & disorderly on the highway.
1900 August 31 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Re: transfer of Pemberton Arms from William Adams to John Barratt – Superintendant Webb objected on grounds that Barrett ‘has not conducted the house in an orderly manner’; decision adjourned.
1900 December 21 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
John Barratt, coachman, fined 1s for cycling on footpath.
1900 September 21 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
New secondary (County Council) schools opened in Cambridge, receiving pupils (boys) from villages including Harston.
1900 September 27 Cambridge Daily News
Liberals – Mr Hoare’s candidature – meeting in the schoolroom – discussion of the South African situation.
1900 October 19 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
‘The Hon. Secretary of Harston Nomads (football) club (E Pearce, Gt Shelford) will be glad to hear from any clubs having Thursday teams’.
1900 October 30 Cambridge Daily News
7.5 acres arable land for sale near the OLd English Gentleman, £200 asked.
1900 December 21 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Court case, John Barratt, coachman, of Harston, summonsed for cycling on a footpath. PC Salmon gave evidence, defendant pleaded guilty, fined 1s & costs.
1901 February 22 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
The firm, TH Smith & Sons, Millers & Farmers, of Harston, Royston & Barrington, has been converted into a private limited company entitled ‘TH Smith & Sons Ltd’, all shares being taken by the family, registered office at Harston Mill.
1901 February 22 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Professor Skeat of Cottenham Antiquarian Society provided information about historic versions of the name ‘Harston’, being ‘Heardwulf’s Town’ and subsequently ”Hardleston’.
1901 February 23 Cambridge Daily News
Furniture & outdoor effects for sale at Manor Farm, including a pony, harness, wagonettes, phaeton, spring cart, Ralli car, etc etc.
1901 April 12, 26
To let, comfortable furnished apartments, apply Lawn Cottage, Harston.
1901 April 26 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
At a technical exhibition in Cambridge, T. Hays of Harston exhibited a carved overmantel that he had made.
1901 May 30 Cambridge Daily News, June 7 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Auction of furniture and ‘outdoor effects’ in Harston by J Carter Jonas & Sons. This was the contents of Mrs Wallman’s house & garden, and comprised a long list, including valuable Chippendale chairs.
1901 June 7 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
An 8-a-side match was played between ‘Harston Ragamuffins and Harston Wanderers, highest scorers being AJ Bevis, W Runham, P Whitecurch).
1901 July ? Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Cricket: T Hays scored 103 not out, and together with AC Davis added nearly 200 for the first wicket, versus employees of Messrs Bell & Sons, Cambridge. Other Harston players included Swann-Mason, Lopton, G. Mason, Bevis, F Smith, Davies, TH Smith, Dr Young, Hunnybun, Jude.
1901 July 26 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Flower show in Newton, prizes for best kept gardens awarded to Harry Northrop, Fuller & Hammond (Harston).
1901 August 30 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Charles Fincham, labourer of no fixed address, was sentenced to 1 month hard labour for ‘obtaining beer by false pretences at Harston.’
1901 September 20 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Harston football club, ‘Harston Nomads’ confirmed, annual meeting at The Coach & Horses. Matches to be played on Thursdays only, last season’s officials were re-elected. Baptist chapel: harvest thanksgiving.
1901 September 20 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Football Club (Harston Nomads), annual meeting at Coach & Horses: Captain, PJ Watson, Vice-captain T Hays, Hon Treasurer TH Smith, Hon Secretary EA Pearce, Gt Shelford, other officials, FC Jones, EH King. Play only on Thursdays. (Matches listed and performance totals in subsequent issues – see, eg 1902, 24/10; 31`/10; 28/11; 1903, 27/3, 1/5, 6/11, 11/12, 18/12 etc.)
1901 October 1 Cambridge Daily News
Furniture & effects for sale at THe Coach & Horses (AJ Challis & Sons, auctioneers)
1901 October 4, 11 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
For sale, by Messrs Wright & Scruby for Mr Butler who is leaving, 2 stacks clover, 3 of wheat, oat & barley straw, manure, household furniture including deal tables, sofa, Windsor & cane-seat chairs, pier glass, bedsteads & bedding, mangle, bacon lead, kitchen utensils.
1901 October 11, 25 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Court case, John Smith, alias James Smith, alias William O’Neill, 64, fitter of no fixed abode, indicted for stealing, from the Pemberton Arms, a bicycle, lamp, cape, bag of tools & tyre-mending materials; property, value £9, belonging to Harold Hand (Harston). Jury verdict, guilty of this & another theft, 6 months hard labour.
1901 October 18 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Harvest thanksgiving service taken by Rev EC Baldwin, vicar, Harston Church.
1901 November 8 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Donations for Addenbrookes Hospital patients included grapes from Mr A Hurrell, Harston.
1902 January 3 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Death of Charles Marsh in infancy.
1902 January 17 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Charles Sharp fined 2s 6d for leaving a furniture van unattended on the highway.
1902 February 1 Cambridge Daily News
Alfred Wright, 15 of St Ives was found wandering in Harston with a revolver and cartridges ‘bought in London’; he was returned to his mother.
1902 February 21, 28 Cambridgeshire Independent Press, February 22 Cambridge Daily News
For sale, by Grain, Moyes & Wisbey, auctioneers for William Hurrell, a ‘fall’ of ca. 1450 larch, spruce & elm poles & 1 oak, plus elm underwood. Meet at Moor Barns Farm, Harston, adjacent Newton parish on 4 March.
1902 March 5 Cambridge Daily News
Sale of furniture and outdoor effects, opposite The Green Man.
1902 April 25 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Death of Sarah Jackson, 61y.
1902 May 9 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Death of Cornelius Northrop 66y.
1902 May 16 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Death of Selina Wallman.
1902 May 23 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Death, Sabina, second daughter of John & Mrs Wallman of Harston.
1902 May 30 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Fined for failing to have bicycle light(s) after dark: Cox of Harston (there are many similar reports in subsequent issues, not listed here).
1902 July 4 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
James Scarr, 85, suffering from ‘senile decay’ died after accidentally falling from a window; attended by Dr Young of Harston.
1902 September 5 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Death, Harry Newling at Chesterton Workhouse, aged 41y.
1901 September 19 Cambridge Daily News
Wanderer’s Cycling Club, ‘Smoking Concert’ at The White Swan (see also 20/2 re Chesterton Cycling Club, similar event).
1902 October 10 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Inquest on Walter Thomas Leader, 32, grocer, of Whittlesford, who died following a bicycle accident on the Harston turnpike – a dog ran out as he was passing a cart; he fell off and died of brain haemorrhage, verdict accidental death, leaves a wife & 2 children.
1902 November 7 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
School Boards have authorised the opening of a number of village schools, including Harston, for evening classes .
1903 January 9 Cambridgeshire Independent Press, Cambridge Daily News
Accidental Death : James Loates, dealer, fell while delivering a sack of coke from his cart near The White Swan; fractured ribs led to pleural effusion, died later.
1903 January 9 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Death, Dinah Corington, 70y.
1903 May 22 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Death, Susan Stittle, 88y, May 7.
1903 May 29 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Sale of Work and Garden Fete at A. Hurrell’s grounds in aid of the District Nursing Fund. Stalls etc; large attendance.
1903 June 5 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Death of Thomas Hall, 72y.
1903 June 19 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Death of Henry Cornwell, infant.
1903 July 3 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Death of Harry William Ison, 15y and James Lawrence, 75y.
1903 June 26 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Tour of ‘Sunrise’, Liberals’ van, visited Harston near Pemberton Arms, West Cambs. candidate, ES Montagu.
1903 July 31 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
County council population count: Total population of the Harston electoral division = 2229, 503 electors, annual ‘value’ £13,630. (The ‘electoral division’ includes several villages, not Harston alone, whose population then was much smaller. This article was headed ‘Cambs County Council Redistribution of Seats’, then subtitled ‘The Education Scheme’ , ‘Rate Aid Refused to the Sectarian Schools’.)
1903 July 16 Cambridge Daily News
Court case, Mrs Nunn of Fowlmere vs. Mr Green of Harston, for payment of rent arrears, £3 18s, judgment for the plaintiff, arrears to paid at 2s/month.
1903 September 4 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Cricket Junior Cup (‘Ranjitsinhji Trophy’): Harston beat Newmarket All Saints and became the cup-holders for 1903 (long descriptive article).
1903 December 18 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Christmas Fat Stock Sales, prizes to Arthur Hurrell (Harston) and HW Hurrell, Newton.
1903 December 31 Cambridge Daily News
Furniture & Outdoor Effects from Manor House, Harston to be auctioned (Hockey, Sons & Tibbs) for Mr P Roe who is leaving.
1904 February 12 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Death of Eliza Northfield, 62y.
1904 March 11 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
County council elections: HW Hurrell, Conservative, beat C Edwards, Liberal, by 189 votes: 153.
1904 March 18 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Cambridge Div, Petty Sessions, S Impey, labourer of Haslingfield, summoned for assaulting William Cox and Thomas Cox, labourers, of Harston , fined 2 x 5s & costs. Death: Joseph Wright 52y.
1904 April 1 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Death of Katherine Baker, 90y.
1904 April 15 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Baptist chapel has reached its 118th year of existence (services & tea).
1904 April 29 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Cricket: Harston (Junior Cup) secured the Ranjitsinhji trophy.
1904 May 27 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Repairs to County School, £2 18s 6d
1904 June 3 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Death of Mr William Thomas Arnold (51), district journalist, and scholar, nephew of Matthew Arnold, novelist, and married Henrietta Wale (qv the obelisk to Gregory Wale, 1730 and Sir Thomas Wale who was created KG by Edward III in1352).
1904 June 10, 17, 24, July 1 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
For sale by Grain, Moyes & Wisbey, auctioneers, for the executors of Mr Northfield dec., Reynold’s Close, 1 acre, tithe-free, with 2 freehold stud & plaster& tiled cottages, each 4 rooms, one with wash-house and gardens and orchard, occupied by Messrs Northrop & Tuck. Also, a 5-room cottage with garden & shed, occupied by Mr Ison. All are copyhold of the Manor of Shadworth, rents £ 20 pa. Also, a freehold property, ‘Greengage Orchard’, 1a 1r 8p, adjacent to the properties of Mr G Scales (executors), Thomas Hays and Dr Young. Also, a freehold property known as Camping Close (lately Poulter’s), 1a 0r 22p, occupied by Mr Josiah Ashby at £3 pa, adjacent to the property of W Jude, Mrs Ives, Mrs Newling, A Hurrell & Jonathan Wisbey (approached by a private roadway). (On 8 July it was noted that the above property has been sold to Messrs Tuck, Miller & Jude for £425).
1904 July 15 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Baptist chapel, the children of the infants’ school sang (her) favourite hymns in the garden of their teacher who is seriously ill. Sunday school fund collection, £2 2s.
1904 July 22 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Shelford flower show, prizes for vegetables to H Northrop, W Beavis, H Freeman.
1904 August 19, September 16 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Death and proposed memorial at Tydd St Mary to the late Mr Godfrey Baldwin, son of Rev C Baldwin, vicar of Harston, who drowned(verdict, accidental death, suspected heart trouble) while bathing in the ‘South Holland’ at that village. He was an Oxford undergraduate.
1904 August 26, September 23, November 11, 1905 March 31 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
‘Passive Resistance’ – the Rev. F Potter (Harston Baptists) has had his goods ‘distrained’ upon non-payment of the sectarian portion of the Education Rate. He said: ‘I cannot pay for teaching in which I do not believe’. He intends to allow the law to take its course, and will not ‘buy the goods in’, however the Overseer nevertheless ‘will not hold a sale’. Bench ‘ to make an order for the (unpaid) balance of 2s 5d.’ On 4/11 this ‘objection’ was expanded to ‘the County Conference of Passive Resistors’ who are forming a ‘Cambridge District Citizen’s League’ and the Rev. Potter stated that ‘he stood alone in Harston but was glad to do anything to forward the movement, (regretting that) Free Churchmen & his own deacons seemed to have no interest (the issue appears to be the relationship/encroachment of national education upon faith schools, by Mr Balfour’s Conservative government – ‘Education & Coercion Acts of 1902). On 31/3 the Rev Potter’s goods were distrained for the Bishop’s Rate ‘and will be sold privately’. (Se also his explanatory letter, published on 11 November).
1904 November 11 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
The Liberal Candidate for West Cambs., Mr ES Montagu spoke at Harston, about the Education Act, Licensing Bill, Protection, Chinese Labour in S. Africa etc. (president: Mr EO Fordham). Mr CD Rouse, Liberal MP, also spoke at Harston.
1904 December 30 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
The Rev. John Mackenzie Bacon FRAS, scientific lecturer & aeronaut (balloonist) died; he had held the curacy at Harston for 7 years, and had written books, scientific papers, etc.
1905 March 3 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Marriage: Harriet Selina Wisby of Harston to Thomas William Wright of Forest, Canada.
1905 March 17 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Hockey match, Harston won vs. Willingham.
1905 March 31, April 7 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
To let, 8-room house in the High street, rent £18 pa, apply Mrs Northfield. (She had also ‘opened her house’ for the Baptist meetings during the winter months.)
1905 April 7 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Baptist chapel tea, Miss Northfield opened her home for the meeting, Miss Watson ‘presided’ at the harmonium.
1905 April 28 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
‘Threat of scarlet fever transmission’ (Mr A Hurrell), as an infected patient was staying at one of the village pubs.
1905 May 26 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Court case, Mr Stockbridge of Shepreth fined for leaving his horse & cart on the highway whilst attending cricket match in Harston.
1905 July 14 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
George William Theobald, carpenter, working in Hauxton for the Harston firm of FW Willers suffered blood poisoning after an accident with a chisel and died following cardiac failure.
1905 July 28 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Cambs Agricultural Society show, Cambridge, A Hurrell, prize.
1905 August 4 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Thomas George Hoy of Harston ‘will not be responsible for his wife (Eliza)’s debts’.
1905 August 25 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Death, John Wisbey, 71y.
1905 September 1 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Rev. Potter (appeared to) answer a summons for non-payment of that portion of the poor rate that is devoted to sectarian education. Mr Thomas Gwilliams of Harston said that 2s 4d was due. ‘The Education Act is unrighteous and unjust’ . The ‘usual order’ was made.
1905 September 15 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Baptist Chapel Harvest Thanksgiving, tradition dating back to 1857.
1905 October 27 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
WG Jude of Haslingfield accused W Runkin of Harston, of damage caused by his turkeys, awarded 20s damages + costs.
1905 November 11, 17 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
‘Help for Agriculture’, Land Reform meetings included a meeting in Harston School Room. Mr Fred Horne said ‘our fields are half full of squitch and only half full of crops; more labour is needed, and the labourers should have smallholdings’. ‘Under Mr Chamberlain’s proposals, the farmer would pay more than he would receive from increased prices of dairy produce’. A member of the audience said ‘some houses in Harston are not fit to put a pig in’ (etc). Dr Young gave a vote of thanks; the Chairman, AR Fordham of Melbourn said he had 70 allotment holders there, and he had no better tenants, and he did not charge any more than the farmers did.
1905 November 17 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
PC Grange of Harston gave evidence regarding the death of a tramp in Trumpington.
1906 January 5 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Death of Margaret Ann Rowley 86y, widow of FW Rowley of Harston Manor.
1906 January 12 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Meeting at Harston schoolroom regarding the powers over education that are wielded by the County Council. Mr Fordham referred to a statement (by Mr Greene at Madingley, that the council could fix the school leaving age), by saying that the council had no such power. ‘The Liberal Party demands the total removal of all religious tests for appointment of teachers’ (it has been common practice to appoint only members of the C of E as assistant teachers). Mr Montagu gave an address.
1906 January 19 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Court case: Thomas Banyard of Harston, charged with fraudulently ‘converting to his own use’ the sum of £81′, the price of some cattle food called ‘Moloweat’; verdict, not guilty.
1906 January 19 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Thomas Hays, dairyman, fined 5s + 7s6d costs for having an ‘unstamped measure’ in his possession.
1906 January 19 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Samul Storey of Gt Eversden, 3 weeks prison for being drunk in charge of 3 horses and a portable engine in Harston, several previous convictions.
1906 January 26, February 2, 9, 23 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Executors of the late Mrs Warboys have instructed Wright & Scruby, auctioneers, to auction The Coach & Horses (fully licensed Inn) plus 2.5 a arable land on the Cambridge Road.
1906 February 2 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Coac & Horses Inn for sale plus 2.75 acres ‘accommodation land’, Wright & Scruby, auctioneers.
1906 March 2 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Court case, at Shire Hall, Chesterton, Ernest Jude, carpenter of Harston was fined 1s + costs for riding a bike without lights.
1906 March 9 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Accusation of assault: Hamilton (Harston mewrchant) vs. Parnell (Magdalene College, C.U.)
1906 April 13 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
During a football match (‘Chesterton Thursday’ vs. ‘Harston Nomads’) there was an altercation with the referee, and the Harston side left early. On 11/5 it was reported that the Cambs. Football Association reprimandeed several of the Harston players: W Armstrong for ‘improper behaviour’; PJ Watson for refusing to give one of the players’ names to the referee and for ordering the players to leave the field early. He was suspended for 6 weeks.
1906 June 29 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Epidemic of measles; all Harston schools closed, reopened ca. 13/7, ‘no deaths so far’.
1906 July 6 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Miss Durbin gave a tea for ‘aged pensioners’, and a meeting for the C of E Zenana Missionary Society. Baptists welcomed a missionary (speaker) from The Congo.
1906 July 6 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Town & County Ladies’ Cycling Club annual picnic at The Swan tea garden.
1906 July 13 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Serious head injury to Mr W French of Hauxton, thrown from a pony trap in Harston, attended by Dr Young.
1906 July 20 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
The remains of the late Mr B Greene (drowned in Switzerland) were brought to Harston for burial in the churchyard, where other members of the family are already buried.
1906 July 20 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Baptist motor tour, the President gives an address on the lawn of The Manse, Harston.
1906 July 27 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Baptist Sunday School annual treat, tea with buns, nuts sweets, the grounds of William Rowley’s Manor House, lent for games.
1906 August 3 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Baptists prayer meeting; collection for Barnardo’s Homes.
1906 August 17 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Vincent Ramblers’ Cycle Club picnic at Harston Tea Gardens, sports & dancing at The Green Man, Mr Fuller, president, distributed prizes.
1906 August 17 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Mr A Hurrell, who was driving a dog-cart, secured a motoring fine against a motorist who ‘cut him up’ near Trumpington.
1906 August 17 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Vincent Ramblers Cycling Club annual picnic at Harston Tea Gardens.
1906 August 31 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Ladies cricket match, Harston beat Royston. Baptist chapel, 2 immersions; Harvest thanksgiving on 21 September.
1906 September 7 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Complaint about an unwholesome ditch in Harston, council to inspect & report.
1906 September 21, October 5 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Harvest thanksgiving services, Baptists and C of E. Collection to Addenbrookes fund.
1906 October 12 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Mr Montagu for the Liberals, Education, Agriculture, Small Holdings, Home Rule for Ireland.
1906 September 28 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Modern & antique furniture sale for E Endersby at The Pemberton Arms (and later at The Corn Exchange, Cambridge.)
1906 October 5 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Court case, James Warren, 38y, charged with being drunk at Trumpington, fined 5s.
1906 November 23 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Cambridgeshire hounds meeting at Harston.
1906 December 12 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
John Salmon, 40, labourer drunk & disoderly, fined 2s6d + costs; George Barker, labourer, 23, abusive language, same fine.
1906 December 21 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Two tramps (Frederick Starmore alias Corby, 39 and Sarah Corby, 38, from Northampton, convicted of being drunk & disorderly on the highway at Harston, near the Pemberton Arms & refused to quit, broke glasses. Previous convictions (=29), fined £1 and 10s resectively plus costs and damages.
1907 January 25 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Flu epidemic, school closed (reopened mid-February).
1907 January 25 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
9 pigs belonging to Mr TH Smith of Harston Mills died suddenly, cause unknown.
1907 February 15, March 15 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
On grounds of ‘redundancy’ (ie too many pubs in a small area) magistrates have given the Deputy Chief Constable (Webb) instructions to object to the renewal of the licence of The Green Man, Harston. This was further considered on March 9 and the house was ‘referred’ (so does this mean ‘identified for closure’?) The current tenant was Rebecca Gulliver, 66y, the annual licence cost £11 5s 3d and the rent (including 3 cottages) was £12 pa. Rateable value was £20 gross, £17 net. Trade amounted to (per week), half a barrel of draught beeer, 12 bottles and a gallon of spirits. It was used by the Oddfellows (290 members) once a fortnight, but attendance is poor. It has stabling for 4 horses. Other nearby pubs include the Coach & Horses, the Pemberton Arms and The Swan. (A long deposition followed, omitted here). On 6 December it was reported that £200 had been paid to the owners (in Baldock) of Te Green Man, Harston, and £25 to the tenant, Rebecca Gulliver, as compensation for the extinction of its licence.
1907 February 22 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
The licensee of The Coach & Horses, HD Atkinson, sued and was counter-sued, re furniture removal & damage during its transportation from Baldock. £7 7s damages awarded.
1907 March 1 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Cambs. County Council elections, candidate for Harston, Harold William Hurrell, farmer from Newton, proposed by Thomas Smith, seconded by JFO Banyard, Conservative candidate.
1907 March 1 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Death of Susan Cutlack, 78.
1907 March 8 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Concert in Baptist Chapel Schoolroom, band, songs etc. Performers included Mrs/Misses Beale, Golding, Nutter, Sturton, Pearce, Mr Pearce, Pike. Baptist chapel anniversary concert, April 19.
1907 March 15 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Sale of modern & antique furniture, removed from Harston, in Cambridge.
1907 May 3 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
In a celebration of Lord Mayors emerging from this region, it was recalled that, in 1543, Sir William Bowyer of Harston became Lord Mayor of London. Miss Sarah Elizabeth Norden of Grove Cottage, Harston, was made an honorary governor of Addenbrookes.
1907 May 17 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
A hot air balloon from Battersea Park, intending to land in Newmarket, passed over Harston and then landed in a field at Hauxton Mill. It, and the occupants, were conveyed to Shelford station to return to London.
1907 May 31 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Baptist Sunday School Union Annual Meeting in the Chapel schoolroom.
1907 June 28 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Baptists memorial serrvice for Mrs Thomas Gwilliams, recently deceased. Collection for Barnardos in July (countrywide collection = ca. £20,000). Sermon in August by Rev T Knowles on his life and work in India.
1907 July 5 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Great Chesterford Colt & Foal Society, prize to A. Hurrell, Harston, for a filly or gelding.
1907 August 16 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Open air concert in garden of The Mill House by permissoion of Mr T Smith in aid of The District Nursing Association. (Long list of performers, some local, some from Cambridge colleges; songs; pieces for piano, violin, cello etc).
1907 August 16, 1908 February 14 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Arthur Read, publican of The Pemberton Arms was convicted of being drunk & disorderly, fined £2, and left the post soon afterwards.
1907 August 23 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Vincent Ramblers Cycling Club annual picnic, dancing & sports at The Swan.
1907 August 30 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Death of Susan West, 77.
1907 October 4 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Baptist chapel, service taken by Mr Herbet Rodwell, lately from S. Africa, training for missionary work at Cliff College.
1907 November 1 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Baptists 13th anniversary of Young Peoples Society for Christian Endeavour, tea, service. Baptist Missionary Society Annual Service, children’s & public meeting, late November.
1907 December 6 Cambridgeshire Independent Press (see also February 15 1907, above)
‘Reduction of Public Houses: Compensation for extinguished licences, an agreement for The Green Man, Harston, with £175 (?£200) being paid to the owners, Messrs. J. & FG Simpson & Co of Baldock, and £25 being paid to the tenant, Rebecca Gulliver. Mr AJ Lyon appeared for the interested parties.
1907 December 20 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Conflict over school provision in Hauxton: some of the older pupils need to travel to Harston for their school attendance.
1907 December 27 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
The interment of Mr Henry Hurrell (recently deceased) to be in the Hurrell family vault in Harston churchyard.
1908 January 24 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Some older children attending the small Hauxton school will travel to Harston school for certain subjects, cookery, woodwork, gardening.
1908 January 31 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Sudden death of Miss Katie Stockbridge, training to be a nurse in London – her family attend the Baptist chapel in Harston.
1908 February 14 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
The Pemberton Arms licence-holder, Arthur Henry Reed was fined 40s plus 14s 8d costs for being drunk & disorderly on the highway last August; he has since left the house.
1908 April 10 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Sale of furniture from Harston (The Laurels – long list of items but no mention of seller’s name).
1908 April 24 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Concert in aid of local nursing institution at Harston school, piano, violin, songs etc, some by professional musician(s) from London. Wedding of Miss Evalina Ives of Chiswick House, Harston (a leading member of the church choir), to George Archibald Fulford of Knightsbridge, London.
1908 July 3, 17 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Sale of Newton Hall Estates (> 300 acres including 18 cottages and land in many of the surrounding villages).
1908 July 3 et seq Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Many cases of summonses and fines for ‘speeding’ (too numerous to list), mostly between 25 and 30 mph. In some cases, the fine imposed was as high as £5 + costs.
1908 July 10 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Speeding fine (£2 plus £1 11s costs) : Professor GD Liveing from Herts, for driving a car at 30 mph in Harston (PC Salmon measured his speed over 0.25 mile there). Likewise, there are many reports of men being fined for being drunk & incapable,, or for using ‘obscene language’ in public places, usually The Highway. These typically attracted a fine of ca 5s + costs, or 7d hard labour.
1908 August 21 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Harston played Trumpington at quoits. Women’s Suffrage Association meeting in Harston (and other local places).
1908 November 20 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
4 haystacks destroyed by fire at Mr Gee’s Beech Farm (Thomas Newling raised alarm). Baptists missionary service, link with Orissa, India.
1909 January 22 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Article about Stanley Rampling (26), an outstanding captain of Harston Nomads, who joined the Harston team when the Old Perseans were disbanded 2 years before.
1909 February 5, 12 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Death of John Kidman Watson, 75; funeral at Harston Baptist Chapel.
1909 February 12 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Small Holdings Committee, land to be acquired by the county (but ‘no suitable land offered’ in Harston). Samuel Barker, 73, retired farmer and Elizabeth Hartell, 63, housekeeper, fined £2 and £1 repectively for being drunk, and required to quit the Coach & Horses pub. Ernest Root, milkman of Great Shelford, fined 10s + costs for beating & badly bruising a horse at Harston, RSPCA involvement. Marriage: Fanny Ives of Harston to John Marsh of Cambridge.
1909 February 19 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
T Hayes elected as member of Cambs. Agricultural Society.
1909 March 19 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
The Surveyor directed that the 2 bridges in Harston ‘near where the bridle path from Haslingfield passes to Harston’, be re-constructed, estimated cost £30.
1909 April 9 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Parish Constable elected: James Edwin Rodwell.
1909 April 23 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Concert in aid of Harston Cricket Club in the schoolroom, performers were Miss Alice Cotton ARCM and Daraswami (‘the Indian Paganini’, playing the violin) from London, Mr Eber (Christ’s College) played violin and did card tricks, Mr Harry Spencer provided ‘humour’.
1909 May 7 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Inquest on the death of a child, from inanition, daughter of Ivo & Martha Northrop, while mother was ill in bed, verdict ‘natural death’.
1909 July 16 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Flower & vegetable show, prizes to V.Northrop, A Pepper.
1909 July 30 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Estimated cost of steam-rolling the high road , £600 -700 per mile.
1909 September 3 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Frank Stoten, a brewer’s drayman, was fined for being asleep in charge of a horse & van at Harston.
1909 September 10 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Cambridge & District Football League: Harston Nomads ‘no longer competing’ (no reason given).
1909 September 17 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Charles Guillings, engine driver, Bourn , charged with stealing a spade and plane etc from Jameas Rodwell, Harston farmer, but later found not guilty
1909 October 1 Cambridgeshire Independent Press
Last cricket match of the season, ‘Married’ vs. ‘Single’ players, followed by tea at The Swan and ‘smoking concert’, H. Smith presiding, performers H Spencer, S Rampling, H Smith, A Gentle, A Jude, H Atkinson, E Wishen, H Northrop, Dr Young, Mr F Hall at piano.
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