Potatoes & more potatoes
Rev Susan Bowden-Pickstock
(S Bowden-Pickstock)
(S Bowden-Pickstock)
(S Bowden-Pickstock)
(S Bowden-Pickstock)
(S Bowden-Pickstock)
(S Bowden-Pickstock)
During Lockdown we decided to sort ourselves out with a veggie garden and I ordered potatoes online.
Unfortunately I ordered twice as many potatoes as I thought I had…and then because they could only supply a different variety, they sent us some more….
So we dug not one, not two, but three potato beds in various places in the garden! As lockdown went on we tried a few more things too, some more successful than others.
Now we are enjoying some of the fruits of our harvest 🙂
This page was added on 17/10/2020.
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